Associate Director of Media & Public Relations
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


Financial journalist, freelance magazine writer, content consultant


M.F.A. | Goucher College
+ Nonfiction Writing

B.A. | George Washington University  
+ French Language and Literature (Major)
+ Political Science (Minor)

Certificate | George Washington University
Center for Historical Documentary Film
+ Historical Documentary Filmmaking


I live in Adams Morgan in Washington, D.C. I'm raising the last of my college-age son's childhood pets, a Russian tortoise named Shelley, amidst books (too many!) and a modest collection of textiles, photographs and mid-century art. I am an exuberant home cook who worked one summer in the kitchen of a private home on Martha's Vineyard. For one meal, I peeled hard-boiled quail's eggs.

Copyright 2018 by Barbara Benham.

Copyright 2018 by Barbara Benham.